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Building a Safer Tomorrow

For 25 years, JCADA has been a pillar of hope, working to create a Greater Washington community free from intimate partner violence.


Through survivor advocacy, confidential clinical support, and groundbreaking prevention programs, we have changed lives and empowered thousands.


But the work is far from over. Intimate partner violence affects people of all backgrounds, and sustaining JCADA’s services requires long-term resources.


By making a legacy gift, you become part of a lasting movement—one that ensures support for survivors and education for future generations. Your generosity will help JCADA continue this critical mission for years to come.

Will or Trust

Including JCADA in your will or trust is a simple way to leave a lasting legacy. It ensures that our services continue to protect survivors and prevent abuse well into the future. There are three types of Bequests: 

  • Percentage – Leave a specific percentage of your estate to JCADA.

  • Residual – Designate JCADA to receive the remainder of your estate after other distributions.

  • Contingent – Name JCADA as the recipient if your primary beneficiary cannot inherit.


To include JCADA in your Will or Trust, simply copy and paste the below language into your legal documents: 


I bequeath an amount equal to ______ percent of the net value of my estate [OR the sum of ______ dollars OR all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate] to the Greater Washington Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, Federal Tax ID 52-2259318, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, located in Rockville, Maryland. I intend that this bequest to be used by JCADA in their area of greatest need at the time it is received.

Beneficiary Designations

Another option is to name JCADA as a beneficiary of financial accounts and assets that are not governed by a will. This is a way to make a significant impact with minimal effort. Eligible accounts include: 

  • Life insurance policies

  • Retirement plans (IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s)

  • Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)


It only takes three easy steps to update the 

beneficiaries listed on your accounts: 

  1. Request a Beneficiary Designation Form from your financial institution.

  2. List JCADA as a beneficiary.
    Greater Washington Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, Federal Tax ID 52-2259318, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, located in Rockville, Maryland.

  3. Notify JCADA so we can recognize your generosity.

Donor-Advised Fund

A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a flexible, tax-efficient way to support JCADA now and in the future. A DAF functions like a charitable savings account. You contribute funds, receive immediate tax benefits, and recommend grants to JCADA over time. Benefits of a DAF:

  • Immediate tax deductions

  • Invest and grow your charitable contributions

  • Support JCADA with annual gifts and legacy donations


Many donors establish a DAF through organizations such as the Jewish Community Foundation, Fidelity Charitable, or Schwab Charitable. JCADA does not endorse or have an affiliation with any specific financial institution; these are provided as examples only.

Become a Legacy Leader

A legacy gift will help ensure that JCADA’s essential work continues. It also will enable your lifelong spirit of care and generosity to live on when you are no longer here.​ If you have included JCADA in your estate plans or if you plan to do so soon, you are eligible to become a JCADA Legacy Leader.


Please download, complete, sign, and return our Legacy Leader Form. You may either email the attachment to us at or mail a hard copy to:

C/O Legacy Leader Program

P.O. Box 2266 Rockville, MD 20847


Please note that this form does not legally obligate you in any way.  In addition, you can provide or withhold details about the legacy you hope to leave. Lastly, you can choose to remain anonymous or to permit JCADA to publicly list your name as a means to applaud your support and inspire others to follow your lead.  


Even if you decide that JCADA should not release your name publicly, it will help us to know about your future gift intentions. Certainly, the information you provide will enable us to record your exact wishes in our records.  


For additional information, contact  Amanda Katz JCADA Executive Director or 301-315-8040. 

Comments & Questions

Please encourage your spouse or partner to become a Legacy Leader along with you by completing a separate form. It is important that JCADA receives two forms if you jointly hold any of the bequeathed assets.


​If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Katz, JCADA's Executive Director: or 301-315-8040 ext. 101.


The information on this page is for educational purposes only and is not intended as legal, tax, or financial advice. Please consult with your attorney, tax advisor, or financial planner before making any charitable giving decisions.


P.O. Box 2266 

Rockville, MD 20847











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If you are a current client of JCADA and you connect with your provider via text. Please click here for JCADA's texting terms and conditions.

​Los documentos, la capacitación, los talleres y los servicios producidos por JCADA se financian, en parte, mediante subvenciones y contratos otorgados por las siguientes agencias: Oficina sobre Violencia contra la Mujer, Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos; Oficina de Servicios para Víctimas y Subvenciones de Justicia, Oficina Ejecutiva del Alcalde, Distrito de Columbia; Administración de Servicios Familiares del Departamento de Servicios Humanos, Gobierno del Distrito de Columbia; Oficina del Gobernador para la Prevención del Delito, la Juventud y los Servicios para Víctimas, Estado de Maryland; Departamento de Servicios de Justicia Penal, Mancomunidad de Virginia; y el Gobierno del Condado de Montgomery. Las opiniones, hallazgos y conclusiones o recomendaciones expresadas son las de JCADA y no representan la posición oficial ni las políticas de las organizaciones o agencias gubernamentales que han proporcionado la subvención o el financiamiento del contrato.

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