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Information on
IPV for Adults

Everyone deserves a relationship built on respect, trust, and safety. If you're experiencing IPV, you're not alone.

JCADA provides confidential, trauma-informed support to help you navigate your situation. Whether you're ready to leave, exploring safety options, or looking for support.


Whatever your circumstances, we are here to empower you with information, resources, and a path forward.

If you are experiencing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), you likely have questions and concerns about your safety, your options, and your next steps. JCADA is here to support you with confidential, trauma-informed guidance—meeting you where you are and respecting what you feel ready to do.


Below are some common questions adults in IPV relationships have, along with resources to help you navigate your situation.


If you need more guidance, speak with a JCADA staff member by leaving us a 100% confidential voice message at 1-877-2232 or email us at We respond within 2-4 business days. 

If you feel you are in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1 or one of these crisis hotlines that operate 24/7: 

  • Montgomery County Crisis Center: 240-777-4000

  • DC Victim Hotline: 844-443-5732

  • Fairfax Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline: 703-360-7273

Adult Support Center

A JCADA victims advocate and/or Clinician can help you with any of the below actions.

Click here to learn more about our comprehensive and 100% free services. 

I might be ready to leave my abusive situation.

If you have decided to leave the relationship, we are here to support you. Leaving and the six months following are the most dangerous time in any abusive relationship but are made safer with advanced planning and support. A quick checklist before leaving may include: 

  • An individualized safety plan

  • A pre-packed "go bag" for you and your kids

  • A court-ordered protective order 

  • Cash for travel, lodging, and incidentals â€‹

I might need a
Protection Order.

A Protection Order (PO) is a court order that requires one person to refrain from doing certain actions, such as contacting another person. 


Protection Order Guide for Maryland


Protection Order Guide for Virginia


Protection Order Guide for Washington, DC

I don't know what to do
about my kids.

Children are deeply impacted by Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), even if they don’t witness it directly. JCADA can help you navigate conversations, access support, and create a plan to protect their well-being.

I need to support someone I love experiencing IPV.

Watching someone you care about experience IPV can be overwhelming, and you may not know how to help. We offer guidance on how to provide support, listen without judgment, and connect them to resources—when they are ready!


A Guide to Helping Someone You Love Experiencing IPV


Information on Teen Dating Violence

I need to create a
safety plan.

A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan to improve your safety while experiencing abuse, preparing to leave an abusive situation, or after you leave. 


Guide to Creating a Safety Plan


​Teen Break-up Safety



I need information on the Address Confidentiality Program.

The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) provides survivors who have moved or are about to move a free confidential physical address and mail forwarding service. 


ACP Guide in Maryland


ACP Guide in Washington, DC


ACP Guide in Virginia

​I might need to increase my safety online.

It is important to consider your online safety. Abusers can use technology to stalk, harass, and further perpetuate abuse. We recommend using the SafetyNet Project website to create a digital safety plan.

I feel overwhelmed. I need some grounding strategies.

I am feeling overwhelmed and need grounding strategies.

Grounding exercises are a way for you to firmly anchor yourself in the present. Grounding exercises are helpful for many situations where you find yourself becoming overwhelmed or distracted. 


5-Finger Breathing Technique 


The TIP Skill Technique

Looking at the Flowers

Cuando estes listo

Así somos nosotros.


P.O. Box 2266 

Rockville, MD 20847











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If you are a current client of JCADA and you connect with your provider via text. Please click here for JCADA's texting terms and conditions.

​Los documentos, la capacitación, los talleres y los servicios producidos por JCADA se financian, en parte, mediante subvenciones y contratos otorgados por las siguientes agencias: Oficina sobre Violencia contra la Mujer, Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos; Oficina de Servicios para Víctimas y Subvenciones de Justicia, Oficina Ejecutiva del Alcalde, Distrito de Columbia; Administración de Servicios Familiares del Departamento de Servicios Humanos, Gobierno del Distrito de Columbia; Oficina del Gobernador para la Prevención del Delito, la Juventud y los Servicios para Víctimas, Estado de Maryland; Departamento de Servicios de Justicia Penal, Mancomunidad de Virginia; y el Gobierno del Condado de Montgomery. Las opiniones, hallazgos y conclusiones o recomendaciones expresadas son las de JCADA y no representan la posición oficial ni las políticas de las organizaciones o agencias gubernamentales que han proporcionado la subvención o el financiamiento del contrato.

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